Continuing Education Events

Sponsored by Agents & Brokers Education Network

E&O-Commercial Property Coverage Gaps and How to Fill them Part I (3CE)

Several dates available.  Click on link for further details

E&O-Commercial Property Coverage Gaps and How to Fill them Part II (3CE)

Several dates available. Click on link for further details

To be or Not to AirBnB-Sharing Exposures and Insurance (2CE)

Several Dates available. Click on link for further details

Why Business Income is the MOST important Property Coverage (2CE)

Several dates available. Click on link for further details

Workers' Compensation: 5 Mistakes Every Agent Makes (2CE)

Several dates available. Click on link for further details

Continuing Education

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Enterprise has partnered with A.D. Banker & Company, the nation's premier education provider for insurance professionals, to provide agents a complimentary 2 hour CE webinar on Rental Reimbursement Coverage. Compliance Policy Webinar is approved in all states (not available for adjuster CE in AR, CA, ID, MS, NM, OK, OR). You can only receive CE credit for this course ONCE per compliance period (regardless of format) or as state course repetition rules allow. To receive education credit for webinar attendance you must: Use a unique email address that is not shared by anyone else attending the same webinar. Login no later than 10 minutes after webinar start time with no additional time missed. Be able to see and hear the webinar at all times. Respond to all attendance codes appearing on screen. Respond to all verbal and typed messages from instructor and attendance monitors.